Press Release on the Coverage of Reserve Requirements - 09/01/2016, (2016-02)


No: 2016-02

9 January 2016

Press Release on the Coverage of Reserve Requirements

Development and investment banks’ borrower funds will be subject to reserve requirements and reserve requirement ratios (RRRs) for these liabilities will be 11.5% for Turkish lira and 13% for FX liabilities. 

Additionally, it has been decided that deposits/participation funds obtained from banks abroad will be subject to the RRRs of other liabilities except deposits/participation funds, since these liabilities are regarded as non-core liabilities.

These amendments will be effective as of the calculation date of 12 February 2016 and the corresponding maintenance period starting from 26 February 2016.


For further information, please contact Press Secretary Yücel Yazar
Tel No: +90 (312) 507 56 56

Press Release on the Coverage of Reserve Requirements - 09/01/2016, (2016-02)