Nowcasting Turkish GDP with MIDAS: Role of Functional Form of the Lag Polynomial


Nowcasting Turkish GDP with MIDAS: Role of Functional Form of the Lag Polynomial




Mahmut Günay




February 2020


In this paper, we analyze short-term forecasts of Turkish GDP growth using Mixed DAta Sampling (MIDAS) approach. We consider six alternatives for functional form of the lag polynomial in the MIDAS equation, five to twelve lags of the explanatory high frequency variables and produce short-term forecasts for nine forecast horizons starting with the release of data for six months before the start of the target quarter to the release of the data for the last month of the quarter. Our results indicate that functional form of the lag polynomials play non-negligible role on the short-term forecast performance but a specific functional form does not perform globally well for all forecast horizons, for all lag lengths or for all indicators. Import quantity indices perform relatively better until first month’s data for the target quarter become available. As data accumulate for the monthly indicators for the target quarter, real domestic turnover and industrial production indicators stand out in terms of short-term forecasting performance. When all of the three months’ realizations for the monthly indicators become available for the quarter that we want to forecast, unrestricted MIDAS type equations with around five lags with real domestic turnover and industrial production indicators track the GDP growth relatively successfully.


GDP, Forecasting, MIDAS, Polynomial form

JEL Codes:

C53; E37

Nowcasting Turkish GDP with MIDAS: Role of Functional Form of the Lag Polynomial