Institutional Framework


In Türkiye, a number of authorities are responsible for financial stability and implement macroprudential policies for the monitoring and management of systemic risks in particular. 

Financial Stability Committee

In line with the developments on the international platform and the needs triggered by the global financial crisis, the Financial Stability Committee (FSC) was established in 2011. The establishment of the FSC contributed to rendering a corporate structure in the coordination among institutions and creating an effective communication channel. Since 2011 FSC has undergone several restructuring.

The current mandate of the FSC, set in May 2021, is stated in Law No. 4059 Article 1 as “the identification of vulnerabilities and management of systemic risks for ensuring healthy support of financial system for sustainable economic growth and maintaining confidence in the markets.”

Consequently, The FSC ensures cooperation and coordination between members without compromising their independence, on the following issues:

(a) Establishing necessary methods and policy proposals for effective monitoring, determining and management of systemic risks and vulnerabilities that may threaten financial stability and security,

(b) Evaluating the effects of financial regulations,

(c) Ensuring the healthy development of the financial sector in a way that supports sustainable growth and financial stability.

(d) Establishing crisis management plans to be implemented in case of materialization of systemic risks.

In this regard, a healthy financial system that supports sustainable economic growth and market confidence is the ultimate goal of the Committee. The FSC sees this goal as the natural outcome of its mandate (management of systemic risks). The FSC is composed of all relevant agencies with responsibilities for financial sector oversight. The Minister of Treasury and Finance, chairs the FSC. Its members include Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance, President of Strategy and Budget, the Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, the Chairman of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, the Chairman of the Capital Markets Board of Turkey, Chairman of the Insurance and Private Pension Regulatory And Supervisory Authority and the Chairman of Savings Deposit Insurance Fund.

The effectiveness of the FSC relies on the common risk perspective provided to the members. In this sense, selection, calibration and utilization of macroprudential tools are deeply evaluated within the FSC supported by the impact assessments. Additionally, working groups conduct detailed research and studies on issues related to financial stability that forms the basis for aforementioned impact assessment.

The secretariat of the Committee is carried out by the Minister of Treasury and Finance. On the other hand, the secretariat of the working groups is carried out by relevant member institutions.